Chinese Tui Na (Acupressure) Massage Therapy

Chinese (Tui Na) massage therapists treat conditions that, in the West, would be treated by osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists or with drugs. Tui Na’s acupressure and manipulative techniques are designed to affect the fundamental energies of the body to speed up the healing process. It is a series of systematic techniques which effectively regulates muscular tension, loosens joints and muscles, restores skeletal alignment, and increases circulation in order to manage health complaints and improve quality of life.

Chinese (Tui Na) massage is one of three key elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM – Acupuncture and Herbal). It is a practical hands-on healing therapy which has been used for thousands of years to maintain health and prevent diseases, and is recognised as one of most effective health care solutions. It works on acupoints along meridians (energy channels), and can deal with a wide range of conditions from specific injuries to more general health problems. It is a deeply relaxing experience and regular Chinese Tui Na massage sessions help prevent the build-up of tension and toxin in our body, and help relieve the stress in our daily lives.