I have suffered from hamstring tightness in both legs for some time now, whilst playing for the Rhinos Academy side. Having played off the bench for the Rhinos in a couple of matches, Patrick Moran, our physio, felt that I might benefit from some Chinese Energy Sports Massage treatment from Lily. Lily identified that the tightness was not in fact my hamstrings, but another muscle group (vastis lateralis) at the side of my thighs. After her first treatment, I felt much looser, played for half an hour in the next match and felt less tightness afterwards.

On the day of my first full Rhinos match (standing in for Marcus Bai), Lily performed a deep-tissue pre-match sports massage, concentrating again on the remaining tightness in my thighs. I played the full game with no awareness of any tightness – and scored two trys! Lily followed up a few days later with a full post-match/training massage, which really helped me regain my energy and improved a minor hamstring strain. I then had a further pre-match massage before the Leigh game, which I also completed in full and again scored twice.

Lily’s sports massage therapy has been a really useful boost to my training, both in preparation for, and recover from my Rhinos first-team debut. I expect to benefit from further treatments as my career develops.

Lee Smith,
Leeds Rhinos, RLFC,
May 2005