I dislocated a vertebra following a particularly bad tackle playing rugby. I went to see various sports physiotherapists over the next 8 months and although they had relocated the vertebra, the muscles around the injury had been in spasm for such a long time that I had been left in constant pain. The physiotherapists did what they could to alleviate this but I was unable to lift my own body to even get out of bed without feeling a sharp pain down my back. The physiotherapists said that this was something I would have to learn to live with.
My brother put me in touch with Lily and I have to admit, I was cynical. I had three one-hour sessions with Lily over three days which left me completely pain free. For the first time in 8 months I was able to do sit-ups and get out of bed without any pain. I honestly thought that I would never be able to play rugby again but, thanks to Lily, I have started training and I am looking forward to the new season. Thanks Lily!
Halifax RUFC,
June 2006